Using Taebo to improve your karate skills

Now, first off –

I know that Taebo by itself is NOT a martial art.

That’s kinda sorta obvious.

However, as a mom who now practices karate, I’m finding that Taebo is extremely beneficial in obtaining muscle memory and speed (which doing your cardio workouts as well!).

Yesterday, I decided to revisit my beloved Taebo and put on Billy Blanks Get Ripped II (otherwise known by my kids as Painful Death 1). Several of the exercises included rather rapid side-kicks to knee raises, round house kicks to punches, etc…. stuff that is similar to what I do in my karate classes.

I personally think that (especially for adults who are starting karate late in life!) Taebo can be a great addition for practicing the basics of martial arts at home. Sure, I can do my 800 kicks every day (400 on each leg, 100 each of front kicks, side kicks, crescent kicks and ax kicks), but being able to build up speed an accuracy without falling over definitely has its benefits as well.

I’ve been doing karate now for 8 months (wow, what a time!) and I’m getting beyond the typical lessons offered. So, I need to practice at home…and getting those movements down well simply is common sense. Doing it by itself or as part of a Billy Blanks Taebo DVD… whatever works for you!

It’s a nice addition to my P90x workouts as well.



ps – some nice Taebo discounts:

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