Keeping your eyes on the prize – setting and achieving goals

Picture the following –

  • You are put in charge of building a new resource/community site.
  • You have to set up and configure blogs, forums, and article submissions.
  • You have to build a several-thousand category resource area
  • You have to modify all the graphics
  • You have to raise 4 kids at the same time, keep your exercise/fitness to level, and take time out to be with your family for relaxation.

AND….you have to do all of the above….yourself.

It’s truly challenging.

What I’ve noticed that helps a heck of a lot is to compartmentalize your work load. For example, if I allowed myself to focus on the sum effort that’s required, I’d retreat to my bedroom and hide under my comforter!

Instead, every morning now, I tell myself, okay Barbara, here’s where you are…and here’s where the site needs to be. What can you work on today that makes it happen?

By following this methodology, I managed to free myself of any incoming panic…and allow myself to burst past any web-based development barriers I might have thought I possessed. My gosh, I’m astounded at what I’ve created so far.

Goal-achieving is not a race for sanity-loss! You know yourself best….whenever you feel overwhelmed with what’s required, take a step back and ask yourself, okay, what’s the best possible approach to tackle one teeny tiny aspect? And once that aspect is done, you can dive into the next, and the next, and …. you get the idea.

Here are some resources for achieving goals:



ps – some get personal success resources:

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