Acupressure, muscle rub, weight lifting and karate, oh my!

I’m intense.

Yes indeed, I finally have accumulated enough self-knowledge to realize, I throw myself in 110% whenever attempting new and/or challenging activities…to the point one simply has to wonder about my sanity.

Take yesterday. Please. Yesterday, I took my boys to Sesame Place and let me tell you, discovered that what is easy as pie to small boys is agonizing torture to dignified mommies like myself. I refer, of course, to the Bridge of Eternal Doom, otherwise known as the Nets n Climb – a delightful (she said, snorting her coffee in disbelief) 3 story structure made of ropes, nets and various assorted knee-bruising extras. My boys happily scampered thru this monument of shoe-lace knotting, requiring me to dash in after them.

So! You know those cute little rope tubes? Did you know there’s corrugated metal that supports them? And while little boy knees stay happily above this ferocious metal beastie, buff mommy knees produce metal-attraction-sensors that magically attracts black and blue marks?


Aren’t you glad you’re reading this posting and learning? :)

That by itself wasn’t too agonizing. It was today that did me in, it was. This morning, I figured, golly! I didn’t get enough exercise except for bruising my body yesterday! Why not do my beloved 2.4 mile circle walk but add the unmitigated thrills of jogging 1.8 miles of it! Wheeeeeeeee!

Even that, gentle reader, was peachy. I was still alive and bleeping! But no oh no, I had to realize that today is ‘bash the body day’ (ie, become one with the iron at the gym), and tra-la-laed my way there with me hubby.

Now that….that…..that…..was utter exhaustion! So much so to the point that I dropped my intensity down 23 notches…which still wasn’t enough. My trapezius muscles were in utter fatigue, so I stopped my workout and applied some quick-fix acupressure. That provided some relief…and I completed my workout.

After I crawled to the locker room, I had enough sense to slather my body with menthol muscle-rub and give myself permission to slow down. Muscle rub and acupressure are truly gifts of the gods when your energy level is flatter than a steam-rollered breadcrust.

Which brings me to the point of this blog posting!! Acupressure rules and massage! Never be afraid to stop your workouts or your karate or your whatevers to take good care of your own aching muscles – that can grealy alleve pain and give you the fortitude to continue.

Here are some great acupressure and massage resources:

I’m lucky; I’ve learned one heck of a lot about acupressure and massage over the years, and can take care of my family/friends whenever pains get too much. It’s something you should learn too! Your loved ones will thank you for it.



ps – some neat acupressure goodies are:

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