Comparing P90x to Cathe’s STS

Hi everyone,

Here’s an interesting thread I just came across – it compares P90x to Cathe’s STS system.

…Do you think STS is Cathe’s version of P90X?

Of course the programs are very different, but I do see a couple of similarities: heavy weight work, each takes about three months to complete, etc.

I’m not implying that Cathe is copying anything or that P90X is better than the other because P90X came out first….

I think it’s somewhat like it but different as well. Here’s what I see:…

Well, I see your point, but I think the difference are big, too.

P90X uses the same basic types of exercises through the entire series (push ups, pull ups and heavy weights). It’s very heavy on upperbody, fairly light on lower body (the Legs and Back workout is great, but it’s not heavy weights).

With Cathe you start with Muscle Endurance and end up with heavy weights – both upper and lower body. It actually sounds more logical to me (and I LOVE P90X) .…MORE…

It’s an interesting discussion – you should definitely check it out.



ps – some P90x and Cathe goodies are:

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