P90x Review – Week 1, Day 6, Kenpo Karate


One of the benefits of working from home is that you can modify your schedule for whatever needs you might have!

At 1:30am this morning, I realized I wasn’t falling back asleep….so I decided to get up and tackle Week 1, Day 6 of P90x – Kenpo Karate.

Now, I do karate 3-4 days a week, and greatly enjoy it. While I worked up a nice sweat in this routine, I focused more on form instead of cardio (I’m trying to improve my balance/force/etc. with my kicks and blocks at the dojo). Thus, for example, during the jumping jacks portion, I concentrated on power knee raises (I’m trying to get my front kick higher) and side raises (same thing for side kicks).

I now realize that coordination-wise, I’m a wee bit, ahem, not there at all. At my dojo, I see senseis being able to throw a front kick, rechamber the knee, throw a side kick, rechamber, throw a back kick….I just fall over. However, it’s becoming more and more clear to me that quite a number of muscles are called into play for balance and the like…which gives me more areas in which to practice.

I like the speedups that are done in this DVD. True, I’m not anywhere near peak form, but it does get your muscles moving and hopefully builds muscle memory. My favorite part was the front kicks (amazing, isn’t it….with me recovering from surgery, never thought I’d like them) and the blocks (during the past 4 months in which I couldn’t kick, I substituted blocks instead).

End result – good workout, I was done by 2:45am, took a wondrous shower and was back in bed by 3am. Time now to start the day.



ps – Some Tony Horton Goodies!

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