Not only I can DO this, but hey! I DID!

Life is a hero’s journey, and I am constantly grateful to my guardian angel that I can meet any and all challenges with a brave soul and clear vision.

Let’s see….I was sliced and diced on Tuesday, hobbling about on crutches on Wednesday, walking with a cane on Thursday, walking without a cane yesterday, and went with my family to the Princeton Chinese buffet today.

Now, I don’t know why I’m apparently healing so rapidly….is it because my body doesn’t have to carry around 40+ pounds of excess fat? Is it my attitude? Is it my belief that no matter what happens, I can DO this and not give up until it’s done?

I have not a clue, but wow, let me tell you – I’m feeling rather humble today. I was expecting weeks and weeks of recovery time, and to be faced with my superb health and recuperation abilities….it’s, well, humbling. What would knock down most people similar to me leaves me asking for more.

Now, I’m not completely recovered by any long shot (seeing the doctor this Thursday!), but every single challenge I’ve encountered (every single one of them!) had me saying, I can DO this and my gosh, I WILL and I WILL DO IT NOW.

Self-confidence – it’s truly a remarkable gift.



ps – Sports Authority is offering 25% off until tomorrow! So I bought myself 2 foam blockers. Here are other kinds of blockers:

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