Giving into temptation – dieting, loving, trusting, …..

One of the biggest challenges dieters have is refusing temptation…no matter in what form it takes.

But you know, temptation goes beyond mere food. Over at one of my favorite forums, I posted a followup to Giving into Human Temptation:

…I can really understand your feelings. How do you NOT care? Short answer: by internalizing how truly super a person you are…and how you shouldn’t waste yourself on someone who lacks the ability to appreciate you.

And how do you come to peace with what happened?

One thing that I’ve learned over my vast eons of experience is:

Everything…happens for a reason. You might not know why at that very moment, or the next week, or the next year, or the next decade….but…we always learn something from every agonizingly bad choice we make….MORE…

Which brings me to the point of this post in particular.

I’ve had epiphanies happen to me years after an event….all of a sudden, something would go *click!* and I’d realize, omigosh, because of xyz challenge 7 years ago, I knew how to handle the abc of yesterday. And if I hadn’t have gone thru the agony of those experiences long ago, I’d be up the proverbial creek without a paddle today.

Relate this now to you!

What choices have you made in the past that created the person you are today? To what temptations did you give in…and how have the affected your self-confidence, personality and soul?

Are you learning the long-term consequences of short-term personal gratifications of, say, falling off the diet wagon?

Getting together with an ex?

Playing the corporate politics game?

Giving your heart to someone who fails to treat it like the precious gift it is?


It is …. to think. And I think you’ll gain a deeper insight into what makes you tick and what can help you achieve success…once you give yourself permission to understand.



ps – Here’s my temptations!

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