P90x Review – Week 1, Day 2, Plyometrics


Well, at 4am, I got up to try the second day of P90x, Plyometrics. For me, was that ever an eyeopener!

Couple of things you should know about. One, I’ve never done any physical activity that requires an intense amount of jumping. And two, there are some things my legs simply aren’t yet strong enough to do (what with surgery recovery etc.), such as the one-legged hop in the shape of a cross.

But barring that, wow, what a super workout!! During the exercises I couldn’t do, I simply substituted front karate kicks (which I need to practice anywhos). And during the exercises that were too difficult, I just backed off on the intensity and kept on going.

Quite frankly, I was astounded at how one’s body can move. True, true, I know, newsflash Barbara! But seriously, I never realized that I could rotate my body 180 degrees while in the air…I never figured I could leap from side to side, etc. What an eyeopener that was!

My favorite part of Plyo was the kick-over-the-chair exercise. I need to improve my crescent kicks anywhos in karate….and these were perfect! First one leg, then the other, over the back of a chair…and I was even able to maintain a good chamber during it. Wheeee! I think I’m really looking forward to the Karate Kempo part of P90x later on in the week.

And thus closes Day 2. I think I’m going to take a nice hot bath now – see ‘ya!


ps – Why not try P90x yourself?

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