P90x Review – Darth Yoga, ie YogaX, Week 7, Day 4 – Total Days – 45

Can I simply say how much I love

the YogaX DVD now?

Okay, true, I used to HATE it…but with time comes wisdom I suppose. :) I’m finding the positions and postures much easier now to do; it’s a great break from all the strength training stuff that is done on other days. Really good stuff!

And that’s Day 45,


ps – Other cool P90x goodies are:

Fitness, Diet, Weight Loss Bloggers – Add your blog for free at the Big Huge Minds Community


If you’re a fitness or diet or weight loss blogger, and you’d like more targeted traffic to your site, feel free to sign up at the BigHugeMinds diet and fitness community and request for your blog postings to be automatically sent to the forum.

You’ll benefit by getting targeted traffic to your blog, and the BHM community will benefit by being able to learn from you.

Once your blog is accepted, that’s all you have to do – your posts will show up automatically under

Personally, I feel quite strongly that a community goes two ways. If you take the time to research information and share what you know, you should be able to receive personal benefits from it (in this case, targeted traffic).



ps – want your blog to make money?

P90x Review – Back Biceps, Week 7, Day 3 – Total Days – 45

Hi everyone,

Today’s P90x workout was back and biceps. Wow, I really love the pullups/chinups, but gosh, I wish I could do more than 4 unassisted ones!!!!!

Oh well, perhaps my body simply wants to teach me patience. Yes, that must be it. :)

I will admit, however, that the program is going swimmingly. And tomorrow is Darth Yoga again – bliss! :)

And that’s Day 45,


ps – some extreme home fitness goodies:

I LOVE Darth Yoga!


I’ll post my P90x update later on today, but for the moment let it suffice to say:

I ADORE Darth Yoga!

What is, Darth Yoga, I hear you ask?

It’s the P90x DVD called YogaX. I fondly started referring to it as Yoga Death because it was suuuuuch a killer workout; then other super moms started calling it Darth Yoga.

You see, if you’re not big into yoga yet, you’ll find the P90x YogaX to be, well, brutal. Excruciatingly so, I might add. It has you hold positions you probably never saw since you were 5 years old, stretch muscles that you never even knew you possessed, and generally causes extreme fatigue if you’re not used to it. Back when I first started P90x, I utterly despised this workout.

But! As the days and weeks went by (I’m on week 7 now), my body started to actually enjoy the benefits this particular workout gave, most specifically in the stretching and flexibility aspect. After all, sitting for 76 hours a day in front of your computer is guaranteed to get the softest muscle stiff and achy…and being able to stretch everything out and relax is true goodness for your body.

Thus, after my morning workout and programming, I boldly slipped in the DVD and pressed PLAY. 1.5 hours later I was done, and my body purred, thank you! It’s about time! :)

And now of course, it’s back to work. :)



ps – some great P90x goodies include:

P90x Fitness Review – Plyo, Week 7, Day 2 – Total Days – 44


Plyo treated me really well earlier in the day… (that’s the good news) but the not-as-exciting news is that my body was toast afterwards (I did major workouts the day before and wow, was I sore).

So! I bravely treated myself to Darth Yoga afterwards, and that was just what the doctor ordered – it helped me stretch and loosen my body very well indeed.

As always, the best part of Plyo was the kick-over-the-chair goodies; my daily 800 karate kicks workout have really helped me get those far more smooth.

And that’s Day 44,


ps – some nifty Tony Horton Goodies:

How to get Billy Blank’s Taebo for free


Have you heard of

Billy Blank’s Taebo? Billy Blanks developed this workout program that combines kick-boxing, karate moves and cardio all in one package. It’s quite a workout, and can really help you with your balance/karate speed as well.

But did you know, you don’t have to pay retail? Consider:

From where did I get these Taebo DVDs? Why, eBay of course! Remember, not everyone sticks to exercise plans…and sometimes, after they buy products or DVDs or machines/etc., they decide, this isn’t for me….and put them up for sale at a discount.

You can also go to YouTube and search for clips from his DVDs too. Just look at these:

Taebo Basic

Taebo Cardio Warmup

Where else can you go to get taebo for free? Check out your local Freecycle – I got my first set of Taebo tapes from someone who was happy to give them away for free. Just browse to your state and area…and post a request! Who knows, perhaps someone will give you a set too.



ps – other nifty Taebo goodies are:

P90x Fitness Review – Chest Shoulders Triceps, Week 7, Day 1 – Total Days – 43


I brought it with P90x early this morning and as always, it was a super workout. I really like the pushups/pullups and especially the triceps exercises – for some reason, I just love building up my deltoids/triceps. :)

Later on in the morning, the husband and I went to the gym for our time together. I was able to do 30 minutes cardio, 30 minutes free weights, and some time in the Cybex room; all in all, it was a great way to start the day!

I’m back now and full of energy. That’s one thing I like about P90x and workouts in general – you might feel like they’re too difficult to commit to, but once they’re done, wow – it’s a great accomplishment.

And that’s Day 43,


ps – some nifty P90x goodies are:

P90x Fitness Review – Xstretch, Week 6, Day 7 – Total Days – 42


Gosh, the XStretch is one of the most relaxing P90x workouts one can do. I really enjoy closing my weekend with it!

My body is getting more and more flexible (yay!). Hopefully that will translate into more and more ease with my other activities – karate, taebo, gym, etc.

One more week and then it’s recovery again! Wheeee!

And that’s day 42,


ps – some nifty Tony Horton goodies:

P90x Review – Kenpo, Week 6, Day 6 – Total Days – 41


Today’s P90x went by very quickly and smoothly. Karate kicks – can’t get a better cardio workout than that! I’m finding it to come along much more smoothly these days – it looks like my body is FINALLY getting the coordination I had wanted.

And that’s Day 41,


ps – some nifty Tony Horton goodies:

P90x Review – Legs Back, Week 6, Day 5 – Total Days – 40

Morning everyone,

I pressed PLAY later than usual today but as always, P90x delivered!

I find a lot of the bodyweight leg work (squats/etc.) to be really beneficial. I also include other bodyweight exercises too. And of course, the pullups are wondrous; I really have to get my P90x chinup bar installed!

And that’s day 40,


ps – some groovy P90x discounts: